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Uprise and Shine 13th Weekend Conference

September 7 @ 10:00 am - September 8 @ 7:00 pm

13th UpRise and Shine Camping Conference

A family gathering of critical thinkers creating a national, liberty loving network: speakers, musicians, comedy, wellbeing, experts & more!

This is a family event, bringing lightminded people together, to help make the world a better place by finding solutions to what is taking place at this incredible moment in time. Are you curious to learn what is going on, behind the scenes of Agenda 2030. Do you want to be on the right side of history? Do you want to step out of the matrix and leave the fear behind? Then come and find out for yourself and have a brilliant time in the process with lightminded people! Break the chains that bind you!

There will be a fabulous variety of food and drinks provided throughout the event (Saturday to Sunday night) at HOPE’s hub with the wonderful volunteers. Wild camping and vanning, children under 18 free, dogs and sheep on leads welcome if you clear up after them (please). Fire pit in the evenings (Saturday and Sunday). Teenage and children’s activities provided by HOPE (please contact HOPE direct for further information at [email protected]

£50 for a 2 day pass. Camping £10 per person per night. All profit goes to HOPE Sussex.

Buy Uprise and Shine Tickets

SATURDAY 7 September 2024

10.00 – 10.30 Welcome with Karen,

10.30 – 11.00 PRESENTATION: Let’s Get the Party Started with Giles Bryant

11.00 – 12.00 PRESENTATION: Cosmic Homeopathywith John Twigg

12.00 – 12.15 Short break

12.15 – 13.15 PRESENTATION: Fani Bah – Vibrational Healing

13.15 – 14.15 Lunch Break

14.15 – 15.15 PRESENTATION: RadioFrequencyRadiation: 3-5G, WiFi, IoT, Technocracy by Oliver Perceval

15.15 -15.30 Short Break

15.30 – 16.30 PRESENTATION: More Nonsense and Q ‘n’ A with Richard Vobes

16.30 – 16.45 Break

16.45 – 18.15 PRESENTATION: Culture Creation through Social Engineering Mark Devlin

18.15 – 19.15 Dinner

18.00 – 19.00 Dinner Break

19.15 – 20.15 Live music

20.15– 22.30 DJ set with Mark Devlin

SUNDAY 8 September 2024

09.00 – 10.00 Gentle yoga with Karen

10.00 – 11.00 PRESENTATION: Cacao Ceremonywith Juliette Bryant

11.00 – 11.15 Short Break

11.15 – 12.15 PRESENTATION: Meeting and beating the long-term inflation challenge with Jonathan Davis

12.15 – 12.30 Break

12.30 – 13.30 PRESENTATION: How to stay sovereign in this topsy turvy world with Davey

13.30 – 14.30 Lunch

14.30 – 16.00 PRESENTATION: When the enemy is your best friend, welcome to the natural life system! by Michaelangelo

16.00 – 16.15 Break

16.15 – 17.15 COMEDY: Abi Roberts

17.15 – 17.45 Closing group Meditation with Giles Bryant

17.45 – 18.00 Clear up and close conference


Karen Dodd (Kizzi) mother of 3 grown up children and ‘amma’ to a newborn granddaughter been instrumental in creating communities around the globe focussing on sovereignty and natural health. She ‘ran away’ from home at 17 and backpacked around the world for 7 years before returning to England to settle down. Founding member of charity Friends of Chema and Kizzi, building schools in Sierra Leone and working with the local women to prevent FGM. Founder of (not-for-profit) The Freedom Network (www.thefreedomnetwork.co.uk) and (not-for-profit) UpRise and Shine conferences which have been taking place around the country since September 2020. She is a published author, public speaker and entrepreneur, trained yoga teacher and is passionate in helping humanity get back on track. In divine service, she is here to inspire and support others in their own mission during this exciting time in history. [email protected]

Giles Bryant Giles will share tools and techniques he has learnt in 3 decades of global study to empower our lives for us to thrive. A wonderful uplifting way to start the day with live music, gentle postures, life focus, breathing, vocal techniques and much more. Giles Bryant founded the World Healing Project 18 years ago this September. He is a music producer, singer, author, public speaker and dad to 3 boys. www.gilesbryant.com. http://www.gilesbryant.com

John Twigg D.HM (Hon), LCPH, MHC, MKIAMCosmic Homeopathy – A Quantum Journey. This term explains where my life in healing now rests. My life began with a great interest in the value of herbs as healing plants – a system inbuilt in my family history. I soon developed an interest in Homeopathy – a journey that led me to treat and teach in South Africa. Eventually my experiences took me down the Rabbit Hole of Cosmic Energy – and to realise that all substances, including remedies, are fueled by SUNLIGHT. And this is where a massive story has grown. “Primum non nocere” – First do no harm.[email protected]

Carolyn Warren BSC LCH. Homeopath, EFT and Bach Flower practitioner I qualified as a homeopath over 30 years ago and until 3 years ago was registered by the Society of Homeopaths. Members were then forbidden to discuss vaccination with patients and although I cannot give advice on vaccination at least I can help patients to make informed decisions and find out how homeopathic remedies can be helpful. Homeopathy has been effectively suppressed over the past 20 years but its practice, based upon the principle “Like Cures Like” is now regaining popularity and becoming and everyday part of many families lives. Homeopathic treatment can be used for absolutely any health issue, physical, emotional, mental or spiritual and while there are now many extraordinary developments in alternative health care, homeopathy remains particularly practical, safe and effective for Self-Help for First Aid, Emergencies and Minor Ailments. This can mean that you always have something to turn to if ever you have a long wait for an ambulance or in A & E. I will be available at Uprise and Shine to supply First Aid remedies, advice and remedy kits for sale, as well as offering a one-hour workshop to help you get started on the rewarding journey Homeopathic health care. www.shiningpotential.com

Fany Bah is part of Sun Drum Forest organisation that is creating a World of Open Hearts through sound, movement, vocal and massage therapy and practices. Sound healing and Shamanic Medicine has been used for thousands of years by our ancestors and ancient cultures. At Sun Drum we draw from this knowledge and use our intuitive inner guidance and wisdom to bring you a unique experience. Our work has spread from one to one intuitive Massage&Sound healing sessions, group sound journeys and guided meditations, art therapy with live music to mindful movement classes where we combine breath work, EFT, tai chi, yoga, free form movement and adapt various techniques in a unique way depending on the group age, abilities and interest. Specialising we work with people with anxiety, addictions and learning differences and elderly with dementia, Alzheimer and MS. Fany is drawing her medicine woman skills from her Bulgarian ancestral roots and combines this with a world fusion twist, as she uses the vibrational medicine of the didgeridoo, medicine drum, native flutes and the kora. www.sundrumforest.com

Oliver Perceval is a practicing architect with an interest in healthy homes. This interest extends to understanding how to manage the electronic environment which increasingly impinges on us. He will discuss what RFR is (wifi-5G), the health concerns around chronic exposure, the common fallacies promoted by government, industry and group-think, and will offer some tips on how to live with RF tech more healthily. He manages the UK resource website rfinfo.co.uk, and has been working closely with national campaign teams and the main AA5G judicial review team. https://www.coherent-architecture.co.ukhttps://www.operceval.co.uk https://rfinfo.co.ukhttps://orynoco.comhttps://www.hyperenewables.com

Richard Vobes is a Youtuber who started out lying on beds of nails and eating fire with his touring one-man circus show. Having had a short career in TV making children’s television programmes, he quickly switched to making his own heritage, landscape and nature exploring videos on the world-famous video sharing platform. But in November 2022 began to express his bewilderment with what was happening to the world at the hands of the few. This sent him down many rabbit holes. [email protected]

Mark Devlin Do any “fads,” trends or movements which end up affecting the lives of millions of people REALLY evolve organically? And can anyone REALLY become a famous household name through sheer talent and good luck one? Or is the truth that these careers can only ever be made available by the hidden forces which REALLY control every aspect of organised society? In this thought-provoking presentation, author, researcher and public speaker Mark Devlin will argue the latter, drawing on the 15 years’ worth of research contained within his ‘Musical Truth’ book trilogy to enforce the point. www.djmarkdevlin.comhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCKlPGl1tfuz4v_cgTgQ

Juliette Bryant Join Juliette as she guides you through the wisdom of plants and into a deep earth connection with a magical cacao, blue lotus and mushroom ceremony where you will get to connect with a deep love and be held by the energy of the earth. Juliette is an earth wisdom keeper, superfood alchemist and mentor. www.julietteskitchen.tv

Jonathan Davis The economics you’ve known for decades has changed. We have moved, from decades of falling inflation and falling interest rates, to an era of higher inflation and much higher interest rates. It’s called Financial Repression. At this presentation, you will learn how to succeed against what will be many, many years of high inflation. Jonathan Davis BA MBA FCII FPFS EFP is one of the (if not thee) highest qualified financial advisers in the UK, and totally awake. In 2007 he became known in the MSM for predicting accurately the bust of 2008 – the so-called “Great Recession”. He has over 1000 appearances in the MSM over nearly two decades. 2023 was about mild global recession and rapidly falling inflation. 2024 and beyond will be about strengthening GDP but also materially rising inflation, again, like 2020 to 2022. Since 2023 he has been calling for the biggest house price crash in decades. Governments and central banks will print astronomically – again – and inflation and rates will soar – again. What you need to know, he will tell youwww.jonathandaviswm.com

Peacekeepers UK with Davey

Michaelangelo – Founder, and teacher for the natural life system, will offer from his life’s work, a deep-rooted, dynamic, and liberating way of bringing your health matters into your own hands and the fullness of your entire being.

We are indeed our own experts and personal health guru’s when we orientate our alignment into the fullness of nature. Not only experts, but also Sovereign in our own kingdom, that kingdom being our entire body. When we give up the dictatorship and supremacy of the mind over the body, the mind itself becomes the best servant to the body. Here the mind learns, adapts, and grows within the consciousness and perfection of nature.

Start looking at your body as a self-healing organism that’s always figuring out how to keep you alive and to keep you at your best. The natural life system advocates Sickness comes from the OUTSIDE  IN and Healing comes from the INSIDE  OUT. In fact, HEALING = SICKNESS + CONSCIOUSNESS

Now is the time to go within and reclaim the healing aptitudes of our body, to uncover our inner doctor, its unique body language, to grow and advance a personal, private Health Care system, guided by the laws of nature where pain and sickness is not the enemy. With this awareness you can choose, without it you only think you are choosing when in actuality you are a slave to an unconscious program installed into the nervous system in utero, prenatal and early years of life.

We’ve advanced so far off course, we’re not aware of having given so much of our health power away. Michelangelo offers a route back. Contact [email protected] for further information.

Abi Roberts Abi is a satirist, writer, activist, and podcaster. She has been a professional comedian for over 10 years, played all the major UK clubs, and taken four solo shows to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, including her critically acclaimed five-star show, Anglichanka about living in Russia. In April 2021, Abi appeared on Good Morning Britain to debate vaccine passports opposite Edwina Currie. Abi first appeared on GB News in the Uncancelledslot and became a regular guest on the Tonight Live sofa, Andrew Doyle’s Free Speech Nation and Neil Oliver’s Saturday night show until January 2022 when she was dropped for her passionate criticism of the Covid nonsense. She has been a guest on numerous podcast shows including: The DelingpodTNTMark AttwoodRight Said FredHearts of Oak,Unity News NetworkAisling O’Loughlin, andIckonic to name just a few. Abi also has her own podcast, ABI DAILY https://abiroberts.substack.com/ In January 2023 she released The Great Wall of C**ts, which depicts the faces of some of the prominent media figures who called for the punishment and segregation of the unvaccinated. You can view the full video here: https://abiroberts.substack.com/p/the-great-wall-of-cunts She is currently working on a new edition of her e-book We The People, a collection of letters sent to her about the effects of the barbarity of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines. Alongside the letters are cartoons by her friend, Bob Moran. Abi also created a character called Cathy Crunt, a newsreader for fictional news channel BGBBTV News. Her catchphrase is Stay Stupid. There is more to come. You can see some of her unbanned broadcasts here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpcWNYHs-uqWzA9j1lLFfIg In June 2023, Abi was arrested for swearing outside the Covid ‘Inquiry’ and spent 17 hours in a police cell.

Camera: Hi! I’m Tim Bazley, electrician by day and citizen journalist for the freedom movement by night, reporting on topics the mainstream media refuse to do. I film events, speeches and make videos with the news and my thoughts on it. If you’d like me to film your event and feature it on my channels (with over 9,000 subscribers) contact me and we’ll work something out. I have a a YouTube channel called Fair Play Now with over 1,000 videos made since the summer of 2020 which are backed up to Odysee too. I also have a Rumble channel called Fair Play Right Now and a website https://www.fairplaynow.net You can email me [email protected]

Camera: Simon D Muldoon Journalist. Concerned parent, UFP (United Free Press+ Independent Journalist/Content creator https://www.youtube.com/@WTFisGoingOnOfficial [email protected]

This is a family event, bringing lightminded people together, to help make the world a better place by finding solutions to what is taking place at this incredible moment in time. Are you curious to learn what is going on, behind the scenes of Agenda 2030. Do you want to be on the right side of history? Do you want to step out of the matrix and leave the fear behind? Then come and find out for yourself and have a brilliant time in the process with lightminded people! Break the chains that bind you!

Big thanks to Heather who has been handling the tickets on the door for the past 6 UpRise events and Michael who has kindly offered to be our sound engineer for the last 3. We are truly creating a family here so massive thanks to everyone who is part of it, whether helping out, speaking out or turning up! By coming together with our individual skillsets, strength, courage and camaraderie we will get ‘there’ without a doubt! If you would like us to organise an event in your area, or would like to help at an event or in another capacity (website, designing flyers, marketing, etc) please contact Karen on [email protected]

HOPE Sussex, Upper Hook Field, Netherfield Road, Battle TN33 9QB (LOOK OUT FOR THE FLAG!) Fabulous variety of food and drinks provided throughout the event (on Saturday and Sunday) at HOPE’s hub with the wonderful volunteers. Wild camping and vanning, children under 18 free, dogs and sheep on leads welcome if you clear up after them (please). Fire pit in the evenings (Saturday night). Teenage and children’s activities provided by HOPE (please contact HOPE direct for further information).



The Freedom Network
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HOPE Sussex Community
Ivyland farm, Netherfield Road, Netherfield
Battle, Hastings, East Sussex TN33 9QB United Kingdom
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