HOPE Membership
Becoming a member of HOPE Sussex Community will bring you a sense of belonging, connection and purpose. Your HOPE Membership is an invaluable way of supporting us to keep our vibrant, freedom-loving community ship running and growing. We have big beautiful plans to continue improving and growing HOPE, will you be joining us?
HOPE Membership Benefits
Invitations to attend our regular community food sharing evenings.
Only £12 per hour for room hire for private parties.
10% off ALL events including festivals, camping, seminars and all other HOPE events!
10% discount applied to HOPE workshops for adults and children.
10% discount on all weekly sessions for home-educated children.
We are also offering the option to pay quarterly to spread the cost of membership.

Which HOPE Membership Will Suit You?
Foundation Individual HOPE Membership
- This membership is for individuals who want to pay a lower financial contribution, as they are able to help HOPE Sussex Community in other ways through voluntary hours.
- In order to benefit from this lower rate, we ask for your active involvement in helping to keep HOPE Sussex Community growing!
Foundation Family HOPE Membership
- As with the Individual membership, but for up to 2 Adults and 4 Children.
- This membership is for families who want to pay a lower financial contribution, as they are able to help HOPE Sussex Community in other ways through voluntary hours.
- In order to benefit from this lower rate, we ask for your active involvement in helping to keep HOPE Sussex Community growing!
Supporting Individual HOPE Membership
- This membership is for individuals who are unable to commit to regular active involvement, but are happy to pay a higher financial contribution. These members will enjoy the same benefits as the Foundation Members.
Supporting Family HOPE Membership
- As with the individual membership, but for up to 2 Adults and 4 Children.
- This membership is for families that are unable to commit to regular active involvement, but are happy to pay a higher financial contribution. These members will enjoy the same benefits as the Foundation Members.